Storm Lewis recently graduated from Smith College with a degree in Environmental Science and Policy and a minor in Studio Art. She is a Posse Scholar and a Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow. As a Black woman, scholar, and activist, she produces research and writing with practical implications for Black communities and marginalized groups disproportionately impacted by food insecurity and climate change. Storm led several environmental and social justice movements on Smith?s campus including the first Themed Year on Climate Change (YoCC). Beyond Smith, Storm engages in food sovereignty-based initiatives within her community in New York (NY). During the pandemic, she collaborated with the Corbin Hill Food Project (CHFP). As the lead distribution site coordinator, she decreased operational time and developed a step-by-step protocol to run a farm share during COVID-19. She also co-created the organization’s first virtual webinar series featuring pathways to success for Black farmers in NY. Storm plans to continue promoting sustainable food systems on local and global scales throughout her career.